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Деловой и культурный центр Республики Крым поддержал проведение I Форума межрегионального сотрудничества землячеств России

04 июня 2021г. на площадке Торгово – промышленной палаты РФ состоялось знаковое событие для института землячеств России – I Форум межрегионального сотрудничества землячеств России и вручение I Премии «ЗЕМЛЯК ГОДА. ОБЩЕСТВО». Участие в мероприятии приняли порядка  180 представителей землячеств, Постоянных представительств регионов в Москве, ГД...


Crimean Digest №1 July

We offer you our new information product — the monthly-published "Crimean Digest №1". It is prepared on the basis of materials from Russian, including Crimean, foreign media and Internet resources. The purpose of the digest is giving an idea about the most significant and interesting...


Children from Crimea will come to Moscow on the Christmas tree

Every child is gifted. This thesis, put forward by the President in address to the Federal Assembly, could not agree more. If the talent to nurture, careful to treat him and encourage, he will give great fruit. Business and cultural center of the Republic of Crimea...


How was the Business Days of the Crimea in Moscow

December 14, 2016 in the large conference hall of the Moscow chamber of Commerce and industry at the address: Petrovka str., 15, p. 1 gone are the Days of business of the Crimea in Moscow. The event was organized by the Permanent mission of the Republic...